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Find it hard to keep current with all the new clinical updates? Get caught up on key evidence-based guidelines, clinical pearls, and patient-centered recommendations for your patients in Emergency Medicine.

Everything you need to survive and thrive in academia, focusing on professional development across the spectrum of life-long learners including medical students, residents, and faculty

EM Match Advice 44: Approaching your EM sub-internship clerkship – “Just gotta roll with it”

Dr. Sara Krzyzaniak (podcast host and Stanford University PD) and Dr. Michelle Lin (ALiEM Founder/UCSF) are joined by Dr. Jessica Bod (Yale University Clerkship Director and 2024 CDEM Clerkship Director of the Year award winner) in this episode to discuss how one might approach their emergency medicine sub-internship. Dr. Bod shares her her wealth of experience and wisdom to provide not only general advice but also answers more detailed questions like: What are some [+]

Being a well-rounded healthcare professional goes beyond just knowing the scientific facts. Get inspired about your wellness, staying healthy, improving your efficiency, and finding a balanced work-life integration.

  • cite AMA 11th edition reference blog media podcast

How to Cite Videos, Podcasts, Apps, Media, and Blogs in a Publication or CV (AMA style 11th edition)

As medical education podcasts, videos, and blogs continue to grow in popularity it is crucial that we cite them correctly, both in publications and on our CVs. We also must recognize the important contributions of media such as clinical photographs, radiology images, and ECGs. The American Medical Association (AMA) Manual of Style released its 11th edition in 2020. This blog post provides an update to our 2018 blog articles to reflect these changes. Video [+]

Oct 19, 202210, 2022

The Fall of FOAM

The landscape of emergency medicine and critical care (EM/CC) blogs and podcasts has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. The number of free, open-access EM/CC blogs and podcasts has plummeted. As [+]